The M.Sc. in Computer Science is addressed to graduates of Science schools of Universities and Technical Universities, as well as to graduates of Technological Educational Institutes, whose field of study is essentially relevant to the scope of the M.Sc., and who wish to specialize in selected research in state-of-the-art research topics and gain the necessary background for further research in compute science. During their studies, the students of the M.Sc. programme with study research topics, perform experiments, analyze and interpret the results of their experiments. Many M.Sc. graduates register as Ph.D. candidates.

The students of the M.Sc. programme will have the chance to study and familiarize with the most recent and innovative developments in computer science and technology. Through the educational process, we provide students with the necessary knowledge and skills, to further evolve to distinguished scientists and professionals, strongly focusing -beyond the transfer of knowledge- to the development of critical analysis, research intuition and the capability to monitor, study, digest and use scientific and technological developments in the field of computer science.

To succeed in these goals, we focus on inspiring students in relation to the topics they have chosen to study and create for them an interesting and fruitful learning experience.